Heinous Act Expectation
Crimes especially heinous in nature could possibly remain on an individual's record if they meet certain prerequisites. These crimes are:
1st Degree Murder
Murder of a Government Employee
Serial Assaults and Killings
Instances in which a person would NOT qualify to have these charges removed from their record would be:
Premeditation as a factor in the victim(s) death
The individual is responsible for multiple murders
Psychological or Personality Disorders
Nature of the Victim(s) Death
Each individual with these charge(s) would be seen and heard on a case by case basis.
Instances in which a person DOES qualify to have these charges to be removed from their record would be:
Being Charges as an Accessory or an Accomplice
Individuals charged with Murder of a Government Employee must show:
Premeditation played no factor
Multiple Killings did not occur
If both of the above did not apply, then it must be proven that:
The individual was acting in "Heat of Passion"
The cause of death was proven to be reckless in nature or accidental
No person that has been charged with Terrorism shall have the charged removed from their record. However, any person(s) charged with Accomplice or Accessory to Terrorism can request to have the charges removed and articulate to a judge why the charge(s) should be removed.
Any person charged with Witness Tampering will be able to expunge this charge. However, the individual expunging this charge from their record is not to be trusted in any government position. This includes but is not limited to becoming a lawyer, running for mayor, or holding any job in any capacity.
If an individual's request to have their heinous act expunged has been denied, it is still possible for all other charges on their record to be removed except for the heinous act(s). The person will still need to comply with all the requirements for an expungement.
Last updated