Possession and Cultivation of Marijuana Seeds and Plants Act 2024 Legislation (29/11/2024)

Section 1: Purpose and Scope

This legislation establishes the legal framework for the possession and cultivation of marijuana seeds and plants within the jurisdiction of San Andreas. It aims to regulate personal use while preventing abuse and unauthorized activities.

The Act aims to legalize possession of small amounts of marijuana for person use in San Andreas, This initiative seeks to allow law enforcement to focus on more serious crimes and align with public opinion for more equitable legal system.

The Act permits Citizens to possess up to 3 marijuana seeds or an equivalent amount of marijuana for rolling or pipe smoking. This move aligns with a growing trend towards marijuana decriminalization, which has been known to reduce law enforcement costs and non-violent drug arrests. San Andreas aims to join this progressive movement and enhance the wall-being of its citizens.

Section 2: Legal Possession and Cultivation

  1. Possession of Marijuana Seeds

  • Individuals may possess up to three (3) marijuana seeds for personal use.

  • Possession of more than three (3) seeds constitutes an offense and will result in charges under the San Andreas Penal Code.

  1. Cultivation of Marijuana Plants

  • Individuals are permitted to cultivate a maximum of three (3) marijuana plants at their registered or rented property.

  • Cultivation is allowed only at a property where the individual resides.

Section 3: Violations and Enforcement

  1. Exceeding Possession Limits

  • Possession of more than three (3) marijuana seeds is a misdemeanor under the San Andreas Penal Code

  1. Exceeding Cultivation Limits

  • Cultivating more than three (3) marijuana plants is a felony under the San Andreas Penal Code

  1. Law Enforcement Authority

  • If an individual is found to possess more than the allowed amount of seeds or plants in their possession, law enforcement has the authority to:

  • Conduct a search and seizure of excess marijuana seeds and plants at the individuals named owned/rented properties

  • Confiscate all equipment, materials, and items associated with illegal cultivation.

Section 4: Exceptions and Special Provisions

  1. Medical Use

  • Individuals with a valid medical marijuana license may apply for an exemption to cultivate more than three (3) plants. Such exemptions must be documented in writing by a licensed physician.

  1. Enforcement Discretion

  • Law enforcement officers are encouraged to provide educational warnings for first-time, minor violations involving non-criminal excess possession or cultivation.

Section 5: Effective Date This legislation will take effect on 29th November 2024, upon publication in the San Andreas Register.

Section 6: Severability Clause If any section or provision of this legislation is found invalid, the remainder shall remain in full effect.

Last updated