Guidelines on Subpoena Duces Tecum

Last Updated - 11/09/24

A subpoena duces tecum orders the person subpoenaed to produce Banking Records and Phone Records under their control at a specified time and place.

Subpoena must include the following information when submitted.

  • State the title of the action

  • State the documentation requested

  • State the reasoning for the subpoena

This will include all information, reports, incidents and further necessary information to invoke the subpoena.

  • Signature of Officer requesting with date

  • Signature of Command officer with date

  • Signature of Judge with date

This is to be served to the defendant within 72 hours of being signed by the Judge advocate

  • Person will present the records being subpoenaed to the officers requesting

  • Officer(s) will review and provide evidence that the subpoena has been acted upon

  • Person is to submit proper request documentation within 72 hours of being provided a subpoena

  • Officer(s) will acknowledge records presented and notified by Judges via appropriate channels.

  • A receipt will be presented to the person being subpoenaed as well as to the Judge Advocate.

Last updated